US Pending Home Sales monthly exceed market expectations

US Pending Home Sales

Time: 2:00 pm GMT, Morocco time: 3:00 hours, Egypt time: 5:00 hours, Saudi time: 6:00 hours, UAE time: 7:00 hours

Previous: 1.0%   Expected: -1.9%    Actual: -1.5%     

US pending home sales monthly    

The monthly pending home sales indicator in the US is the number of contracts signed for new residential homes where buyers have not yet moved in. It is an important indicator of the state of the housing industry sector and the general economy.

The Pending Home Sales Index is one of the major economic indicators in the United States. The monthly release of this index measures the number of new contracts signed for homes with pending sales announced in previous months.

If the monthly release of the pending home sales index is higher than expected, this usually indicates a growth in the real estate market and a rise in demand for homes, and this could lead to an increase in confidence in the economy in general, as the real estate sector is one of the sensitive indicators of economic and consumption changes. Growth in the real estate market usually increases jobs in real estate-related industries, such as construction and renovation, and affects overall economic growth.

A drop in the pending home sales index could indicate a decline in economic and consumer activity, and could be a sign of a downturn in the real estate market and demand for homes, affecting jobs and economic growth.

How does the pending home sales in the US per month affect the US dollar in forex?

The monthly US pending home sales index can influence the trading of the US dollar in the forex market.

If the monthly release of the Pending Home Sales Index is higher than expected, this could lead to an increase in confidence in the US economy and the US dollar, as this reflects the growth of the real estate market and the increase in demand for homes, and it can lead to increased investment in the US economy and thus strengthening the US dollar.

The body responsible for the monthly release of the US pending home sales index

The US Pending Home Sales Index is released monthly by the National Association of Realtors, an organization that represents and promotes the interests of real estate brokers, buyers and sellers in the United States.

The National Association of Realtors was founded in 1908, and the Pending Home Sales Index is one of the main economic indicators issued by the association, and is widely used in the United States and around the world as an indicator of economic activity in the real estate sector.

The data that makes up the Pending Home Sales Index is collected by surveying samples of real estate brokers who handle new contracts for the sale of homes, and the monthly release of the index is usually released in the last week of each month.

The National Association of Realtors is a non-profit organization that works to advance the interests of real estate brokers, buyers and sellers in the United States, provide up-to-date information, analysis and statistics about the real estate industry, improve the real estate brokerage practice and develop the professional skills of realtors.

When is the monthly US pending home sales indicator released?

Released monthly, approximately 28 days after the end of the month

next release

Dec 28, 2023